Fire And Rain guitar tab
The four files are provided in zipped format.
- A tab .html file.
- A tab .doc file.
- A Powertab .ptb midi file – Powertab software can be downloaded from the introductory Guitar Tab page.
- A .pdf file which is read in Adobe reader software and shows both tab, notation and the lyrics.
Please click on the orange button ‘add to basket’ Paypal link alongside and this will take you to a checkout page where you can either order further tabs or complete payment in GB Pounds Sterling (£). You will be able to immediately arrange for a download which is backed up by an email which is sent to you with a download link.

Recent version probably most representative of Classic JT playiong.
Early Close up of a version including the D to C# to B to A walk down
A Powertab demo of Fire And Rain is shown below
Or a beginners lesson….